The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive module on social accountability encompassing tools and methods that educate stakeholders on their rights and responsibilities, enhancing their ability to demand accountability from public institutions. The specific objectives are:…
Purpose and Objectives This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the culture and psychology of the people of Kenya, their perspective of social accountability and their contributions to the developing and upholding national values. In particular, the study seeks…
Develop a comprehensive module on social accountability in public contract monitoring that addresses the specific contextual needs, realities and challenges within the Kenyan context.
The objective of the project is to enhance knowledge creation and dissemination of public debt realities in Kenya through improved public debt data analysis and communication. This will be achieved through simplification of TISA and Okoa Uchumi Campaign’s information on…
TISA seeks to appoint independent auditors to provide external audit services for year 2023 to year 2025 The main responsibility of the external auditors is to perform statutory audits of the organization and obtain independent and objective assurance as to whether the financial statements of TISA present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of TISA in accordance with the International Standard on Auditing (lSA), International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-Sized Entities and in the manner required by the Kenyan Companies Act, 2015 promulgated by the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
Okoa Uchumi currently has a microsite with the ability to display static data, join the movement (link) and download reports. The site isn’t user interactive as it should be and therefore, we are looking to upgrade to a more user-friendly and user-interactive portal.
Based on the state of debate and data on debt we intend to develop a platform with simplified and accurate public debt data.
TISA is developing a digital platform where citizens can hold duty-bearers accountable and easily access vital government information to enable them to take civic decisions and actions.
The Okoa Uchumi Campaign documentary campaign seeks to document Okoa Uchumi’s success story in engaging duty bearers, International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and spurring citizen action for accountability in Kenya’s public debt management and fiscal justice.
To undertake a peer review of the four (4) social accountability papers, and for each of the papers, provide a brief analysis to inform the finalization of the respective papers.