The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA)
Westlands Avenue, Wendy Court, Hse no. 1
David Osieli Rd, Westlands

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Senate vs National Assembly

Senate vs National Assembly

Current Status: The judgement was delivered on 19th November 2021

Case No. Civil Appeal E084 of 2021


TISA, Senate


National Assembly

The Petition

The petition was filed challenging the constitutionality of the twenty-three contentious pieces of legislation, specifically, the Appropriation Act 2019 and the NGCDF Act 2015 and there the need to be rendered null and void.

Case Summary

September 16, 2021
The matter proceeds to be heard by the Supreme Court and is listed as Petition E027 of 2021

TISA participated in the case as an interested party, supporting the petition. The principal issue of concern in the case is the interpretation of Article 110 of the Constitution, specifically the legislative functions of the National Assembly and Senate where the concurrence of the Speakers of the National Assembly and Senate is a mandatory preliminary step in the legislative process.

The status quo was partially maintained where some parts of the contentious pieces of legislation were rendered null and void and some maintained the status quo including the NGCDF Act.